Thursday 6 December 2012


Through this article, I would like to share my personal experience on how to sell effectively to customers. At the time of selling, it is very important to win the customer’s heart.\
Last week I went to GIP to and visited a few gadget showrooms. I was checking the features of some of the latest smart phones and then, a very sweet girl appeared to demonstrate features of the phones they had in the showrooms. Although, u enjoy talking to girls in showrooms but that experience really taught me how to be a good sales person.

Some of those experiences I would like to share with you guys:
1.       Never Judge a Customer By His/her Appearance:  Good sales person never judge a customer by their appearance. You never know behind those awkward clothes is a rich dude who can be your potential customer.
2.       Give Each and Every Customer Equal Importance: Every customer should be given equal importance irrespective of his appearance, income level, personality, or religion.
3.       Be Enthusiastic at the Time OF Giving Demo’s: Just ask yourself a question that would you like to visit a showroom where sales executives are very disinterested in giving demos. Enthusiastic sales executives will always attract customers.
4.       Just Tell How The Product Is Beneficial For the Customer: Just focus on telling how the product will be beneficial to the customer. Purchase of the product depends on the customer.
5.       Offer Products According To The Needs Of the Customer: Imagine a guy has a budget for Tata Nano but is offered Tata JLR. Will the customer be amused?
6.       Never Show The Greed That You Want The Customer To Purchase Your Product:  Like I said in article No.4, just focus on telling how the product is beneficial for the customers.
7.       Be Polite, Sweet and Courteous to your Customers.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


We all have studied the 4P’s of marketing really well- product, price, place and promotion. But this portion of marketing mix just caters to products, not services. Service Marketing Mix has 7 P’s and the reasons for having these P’s are truly justified. The other 3p’s are:

1.       People: Employees of any company engaged in the service sector are an integral part of its marketing process. Example: if you go to a restaurant, the staff is very courteous and polite with you. You will enjoy the food more. On the order hand, if you go to a restaurant and the staff is rude and disinterested, you won’t enjoy the food much. So the employees play a key role in attracting customers to their place of work. In a software company, it’s the software engineers who play a key role buy making robust software’s for their clients.
2.       Physical Evidence: Services are intangible products. You cannot feel them. But there are certain physical things which can increase your joy of having your service.  Imagine you go to a restaurant and you find their good ambience, lighting and music. Your joy having food will increase substantially.  Hotels with good ambience are more attractable. People with adequate money prefer private hospitals than Government one for their clean washrooms, plush rooms and beautiful gardens.


                                                                                                         BILLING IS DONE 


                    CUSTOMER SATISFIED

Process here means to deliver your product with quickly with quality. Imagine you go to Mc Donald’s and they delay their delivery. You really won’t like it. You go to a hospital and the doctor delays in attending you. You may not prefer that hospital again. So you have to ensure you deliver your product quickly and of good quality. Your efficiency needs to be at its best.